Clark Graff
Fairlee Feed Store, 2021, Oil on Panel
Paint on panel
Clark Graff is a retired architect who has taken up brushes again to render beauty, quiet, and strength in the New England landscape and its buildings: farmhouses, barns, and mill buildings that originally inspired him in his work as an architect. Working and living in Thetford Ctr. where he had his design practice, Clark is pleased to organize spaces and structures while keeping an eye on the influences of light and color. He is finding working with paint offers opportunity for more wide-ranging expression than when his ideas guided carpenters and plumbers.
Round Barn - Route 5, oil on canvas, $2100
Bridge Across the Connecticut, Oil on Panel, $650
The Smith Farm, Thetford, VT, 2021, Oil on Panel, $650
Fairlee Feed Store, 2021, Oil on Panel, $650
Haying (Frey's Field, Fairlee, VT), 2022, Oil on Panel
Taos Pueblo No. 2 (Taos, NM), 2022, Oil on Panel, $700
Taos Pueblo No. 1 (Taos, NM), 2022, Oil on Panel, $700